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Act and Adapt Intro Pic_edited_edited_ed

What is Act and Adapt?

Act and Adapt is a group-based, video-guided program that teaches youth how to cope with feelings of stress. Students will learn strategies to improve their mood and gain control by:


  • Solving problems that they have control over. 

  • Adapting to problems they do not have control over. 


Students meet for about an hour, once a week for about 10 weeks at their school.  

Impact in Numbers


Providers Trained


Groups Ran 

Since 2017


Students Enrolled

"It is amazing to see when another student shares their experience and the other groups can identify the skills used."

Therapist Testimonials:

Success Stories

Parent Testimonials:

“Like I said, every time she goes to group she comes different. She's a different little girl. She's happier, she's smiling, she's giggling, she's joking around, she's eating fine.”

Student Testimonials:

"What I like about the group is that you work as a team and that every time we have a problem, the other kids they help us out, like they give us advice, like what to do."

Our Collaborations


Deep muscle relaxation and quick calming can help decrease feelings of anger or anxiety, such as a racing heart, rapid or shallow breathing, tight muscles and more! Relaxing the body can help youth recognize that they have some control over their reaction to stress.

Click here to download

Click here to download

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out, or visit our Culture and Evidence-Based Practice Lab website!    


606 Byrne Hall 

2219 N. Kenmore Ave. 
Chicago, IL 60614

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© 2023 Act and Adapt

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